Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Counting Gems on the Light Table

One of my favorite projects this week was the counting game we worked on at the light table. This little game was pretty simple to put together. If you would like to make some for your peeps you will need:
  • Small adhesive frames (mine came from Arts and Scraps),
  • velum or drafting paper, 
  • sharpies
  • glass gems
I made the number cards by placing a frame on some drafting paper, drawing the number then trimming off the excess paper. When I was finished they looked like this. 

Then I set up the invitation for the game by placing one acrylic tray of numbers and a second tray of gems on the table like this ....

As more children were drawn to the table, a game emerged. Each child drew a card from the pile then counted out the appropriate number of gems from the pile to place on the card. As the children waited for their turn with the cards, they lined up their gems in different configurations and counted to themselves.

Simple and beautiful!

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