Friday, March 1, 2013

Funky Fun Foto Booth

A few weeks back we read a story about some kids who were going to a party dressed in their party clothes and a few of my little ones have been obsessed with “party clothes” ever since. Well today the twins were brave enough to come to daycare dressed in their party clothes. I took it as a message from the universe to finally do that funky foto booth and try to capture them in their super cute outfits. 

All of the items for this project were collected for one of our parties a while back. I found some great things at Party City, The Dollar Store and the bottom of the dress up bin. Sadly the project never came to fruition because I was too busy jaw jacking with all the parents to shoot the kids. (Funny how I always get a creative itch that requires LOTS of adult set up when I have ALL the kiddies and NO extra adults. Seriously I couldn’t have chosen either of the two days this week when I had extra help?) 

Anyhoo the kids were super patient while I got everything set up and they were awesome about not knocking down the studio lights or the teetery backdrop. They couldn’t wait to play with all the dress up items and check out the new photography gear. They wanted to know how the lights worked, why I used a reflector and what diffusers do. They wanted to pose and see pictures of themselves so they could repose themselves or switch up their costumes. 

After they satisfied their curiosity we cranked up the music, played dress up, took turns jumping with pointy things and dumped EVERY BIN in daycareland. It was a super fun time and totally worth it! Look how cute they are?!?

After we cleaned everything up, they explored diffusing light with flashlights and the sheer fabric on the backdrop while I made lunch. I didn’t manage to get that super cute shot of the twins in their party clothes but we still had a great time.

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