We are eagerly awaiting spring! If it can't be springish outside we will make it spring inside with spin art.
Materials: baby food jars, small spoons, white, blue, red and yellow paints, Salad spinner
First we mixed up our own pastel paints by adding white to the primary colors and stirring them in baby food jars. As the colors mixed, the children watched the paint became lighter and lighter with each extra glop of white paint until it was a lovely shade of pastel pink, pastel blue, pastel yellow or pastel green.
We took turns placing a piece of paper in the salad spinner then dropping scoops of paint in the center of the paper.
The children all gathered around to watch as the colors splattered on the inside of the spinner leaving a lovely striped pattern all along the outside of the salad spinner. It took a lot of upper body strength to push the spinner down!
Once we were finished, our projects had a beautiful marbled effect.
Happy Spring!
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